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How to create a helpful bug report
- Try to make sure there isn’t an existing bug report already reported (Discord’s search for posts is quite limited, so try to search various related terms). If there is, please add any additional, new info you might have (see below for examples)
- Otherwise, describe what happened, what you expected to happen instead and how you can reproduce the issue (if not exactly, at least roughly)
- Giving as much information as possible improves the likely hood that we can figure out how to solve the problem!
- Please attach the
from Log File and include information about your setup if relevant (I.e. CPU / RAM / GPU / OS)
- Try disabling multi-threading and let us know if this helps the problem go away!
Launch options
The available launch options differ depending on which Operating System (OS) you are using. They can change which graphics API is in use, which can allow for more setups to run the game, but might require a bit of experimenting. If the game crashes with a start-up option (please try using the default first), try any/all of the other available options to see if it improves!
Windows has the following:
- Default (DX11, can't rename due to Steam. Should use this unless you can’t)
- DX12 (experimental, can reduce CPU usage but is less stable)
- Vulkan (experimental, can reduce CPU usage)
You can change the launch options via the the properties tab in Steam:
Log File
Settings File
Blueprint Files